CSW68 | Gender-lens Financing & Innovating to End Poverty The Trust for the Americas (an affiliate of the OAS, Organization of American States), Republic of Panama’s Ministry of Social…
Onda MF Podcast #13: Banco Adopem, at the launch of the United Nations Decade for Family Farming Banco Adopem, the Dominican institution of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation, participated in the regional launch of the United Nations Decade…
BBVAMF’s event at the UN covered in over 80 media outlets worldwide During the 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63) at the United Nations headquarters in New…
Quotable quotes from BBVAMF’s United Nations side event These statements are just some of the most distinguished ones during the session hosted by BBVA Microfinance Foundation at the…
“My job is to help women, who, like me have to overcome many barriers to be independent” Peruvian Rut Pelaiza has shared in United Nations how she once earned a living as a street vendor, until she…
“Iberoamerica looks to the future”: Working together to go forward in the same direction The French newspaper Le Monde diplomatique has published a special supplement by the General Secretariat for Iberoamerica, the SEGIB, entitled…
The BBVA Microfinance Foundation Group endorses the United Nations Principles for Responsible Banking These Principles will help banks to align their business strategy with society’s goals as expressed in the Sustainable Development Goals…
Woman, mother and entrepreneur journeying towards success It was on Esperanza (Hope) Avenue, as chance would have it, in the Ate district, where Lucy challenged the opinions…
When entrepreneurship helps defeat inequality The only obstacle Adelaida can’t deal with is the rain, which can turn Capira -her village- into a mud bath,…
BBVA Microfinance Foundation measures its contribution to the SDG through the progress of the 2 million entrepreneurs it serves Technology, women's empowerment and rural development are key to improve entrepreneurship in Latin America
The new roadmap of the international cooperation for development “We have to be united, not to be together, but to do something together”- Donoso Cortés The Council of Ministers…