The French newspaper Le Monde diplomatique has published a special supplement by the General Secretariat for Iberoamerica, the SEGIB, entitled “Iberoamerica looks to the future”.
In a world where the only thing certain is the lack thereof, it is necessary to mark out a roadmap that goes beyond good intentions, focused not only on things that have to be changed, but on how to change them.
That was one of the most striking conclusions reached by the General Secretary for Iberoamerica, Rebeca Grynspan, in her thoughts published in the special supplement “Iberoamérica mira al futuro” (Iberoamerica looks to the future), by the monthly publication Le Monde Diplomatique. Grynspan proposes a solution for the challenges facing the world: “multilateralism”. In other words, all actors with influence and capability to work together and tackle the challenges facing Iberoamerica- challenges which are not unconnected to the rest of the planet.
Under the heading “Más y mejor multilateralismo” (More and better multilateralism), the General Secretary for Iberoamerica defines how this united voice, and this concrete action of governments, organizations and individuals should look like in order to advance towards the 2030 Agenda that laid the foundations, more than three years ago, for the future to which we should be aspiring.
In her article, she notes that the United Nations’ Agenda is “for the people” and that the goal promoted by the SEGIB is jointly to offer an alternative so that the people who most need it can make progress.
A sus palabras, se suman las de varios presidentes de gobierno de toda Iberoamérica para arrojar un poco de luz sobre el momento en el que vivimos y el camino a seguir. Una lectura obligatoria para entender el hoy y cómo afrontar los retos para no dejar a nadie atrás. Sin duda, el mayor y más ambicioso objetivo de la Agenda 2030 y el de toda la humanidad, si es que existe alguna diferencia.
Several heads of State throughout Iberoamerica have united their voices along with hers to shed light on the moments we are living through and the path we should follow. The article is a must-read for understanding today’s situation and how to tackle the challenges so as not to leave anyone behind. Undoubtedly, the greatest and most ambitious goal in the 2030 Agenda and for the whole of humanity, if indeed there is any difference between the two.