Technology to accelerate the fulfillment of the SDG, an endeavor for the BBVAMF The BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) has discussed its contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals, together with other Spanish and Portuguese…
Woman, mother and entrepreneur journeying towards success It was on Esperanza (Hope) Avenue, as chance would have it, in the Ate district, where Lucy challenged the opinions…
When entrepreneurship helps defeat inequality The only obstacle Adelaida can’t deal with is the rain, which can turn Capira -her village- into a mud bath,…
BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s communications efforts in the SDG era, cited as an example at the OECD Less than half of the european population has ever heard of the SDG, and out of them, only 12% is…
UN Women meets with the BBVA Microfinance Foundation to reinforce its efforts for financial inclusion in Latin America The BBVAMF and UN Women have been collaborating since both institutions signed a Memorandum Of Understanding three years ago
SDG 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere To achieve the Goal of ending poverty, economic growth should be inclusive, in order to create sustainable employment and promote…
A video from the UN encouraging people’s participation to meet the 17 SDGs “We can be, we must be, the first generation to end poverty. The most determined generation to fight against injustices…
The BBVA Microfinance Foundation is recognized by the UN for its contribution to the new Agenda for Sustainable Development The BBVA Microfinance Foundation has been recognized by the United Nations Organization (UN) as one of the 13 private institutions…