Promote climate friendly actions through a green corporate culture that integrates environmental risks and improves the value proposition to entrepreneurs, collaborators and society in general.
The exclusion list of activities that violate the environmental balance approved by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the World Bank Group, has been implemented.
Among others, the agreements with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and organizations such as, Habitat for Humanity, or the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) stand out.OUR COMMITMENT
The BBVA Microfinance Foundation pays special attention to the global challenges of climate change, which have a greater impact on the vulnerable populations it serves.
In recent years, the Foundation has reinforced its environmental sustainability strategy through various measures.
The climate challenge is a fundamental axis of its model, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the 2030 Agenda and with the Principles of Responsible Banking approved by the United Nations.

Eco-efficiency and carbon footprint
We promote eco-efficiency practices to rationalize the use and consumption of resources, with the aim to reduce the environmental impact.
Measurement of the carbon footprint of activities under the Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodology.
Training and awareness
We are committed to the education, training and environmental awareness of entrepreneurs, employees and society as a whole.
- In-person training at a Demonstration Farm, created to show rural entrepreneurs different measures to mitigate and adapt their livelihoods to climate change.

- Digital training, with the creation of a knowledge community, sustainable events and webinars focused on Sustainability.
Collaboration with local organizations
Peru: Financiera Confianza has signed an agreement with Kimberly-Clark to donate wastepaper and help to feed children in Aldeas Infantiles SOS villages, where 4kg of recycled paper is equivalent to a meal.
Colombia: Bancamía has signed an alliance with the “Puerta de Oro Bogotá” Recyclers Association and the Fundación del Quemado. During 2019, a total of 6,641 kg of recyclable materials have been donated.
Commitment to entrepreneurs
We promote green finance in all sectors and settings, classified under 5 groups:

- Microfinance for Ecosystem-based Adaptation (MEbA): Program, launched in Colombia and the Dominican Republic, in partnership with UNEP and local institutions in each country, to implement the application of new technologies and mitigation and adaptation measures to climate change.
- Eco Vivienda: pilot project in the Dominican Republic in partnership with Habitat for Humanity to facilitate the sustainable self-construction of rural housing.
- Ecocrédito: also in the Dominican Republic, a financing program to promote the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures to climate change. All of Banco Adopem’s green products are part of the Rural Finance and Environment (FRA) program.
- Water and sanitation: in Peru, the BBVAMF has an agreement with, offering the most vulnerable entrepreneurs access to clean water and sanitation systems, also reducing the environmental impact. This alliance seeks to replicate this initiative in the other countries where the Foundation is present.
Of the 12 SDGs on which the BBVAMF’s activity impacts, 10 are related to caring for the environment, directly or indirectly: