Bancamía, among the most valuable brands in the Services sector in Colombia The bank is in 16th place in the 50 most recognized brands in Colombia in the Services category, according to…
Microserfin recognizes the importance of entrepreneurship in disadvantaged sectors Microserfin has signed a participation agreement with the Citi Microenterprise Development Awards (PREMIC) 2015, which recognize the importance of entrepreneurship…
Microserfin customer recognized at the “Microenterprise for Development 2014” Awards Microserfin’s entrepreneur Hilda Hernández received the 1st prize in the “Service” category and the special recognition “Community Impact”, which honors…
Banco ADOPEM entrepreneurs distinguished in Microentrepreneur Awards 2014 Six of Banco ADOPEM’s entrepreneur customers have been distinguished in the tenth Microentrepreneur Awards granted by the Citi Foundation and…
Caja Nuestra Gente, the best microfinance institution in Latin America and the Caribbean Caja Rural de Ahorro y Crédito Nuestra Gente, part of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation in Peru, has been named the…