The bank is in 16th place in the 50 most recognized brands in Colombia in the Services category, according to the annual ranking by the consulting company Compassbranding, which assesses the most valuable Colombian brands in the market
The report entitled “The 50 most valuable brands in Colombia in 2016” showed that Bancamía had climbed two places since the 2015 ranking. This classification analyzes Colombian brands by valuing, measuring and rating their reputation, recognition, governance and financial, social and environmental sustainability. According to this report, the Bancamía brand is valued at between US$ 50 to US$ 100.
This is an acknowledgment of the bank’s work to improve the quality of life of low-income families by providing financial products and services tailored to the needs of people seeking a way out of poverty through their own business. It also coincides with Bancamía’s eighth anniversary next 14 October.
The bank’s activity is based on a system of leadership with a corporate governance whose management approach involves pursuing a balance between social, environmental and economic goals.
Bancamía currently serves over 813,000 customers, the majority of which are microenterprises. It delivers 980 loans a day, and 122 per working hour through its 200 branch offices in 29 of Colombia’s 32 departments (figures up to June 2016).
This report is prepared by the Compassbranding consulting company with the support of Raddar, and has been published for the last 15 years.