Transformando Realidades scholarship winners conquer Madrid The 10 young Colombians, winners of the Transformando Realidades scholarship, have reached another milestone: they have traveled to Madrid, an…
Bancamía launches a credit line to support microentrepreneurs affected by strike ‘AVANZAMOS’ (‘We move forward’) is the new credit line launched by BBVA Microfinance Foundation in Colombia, in partnership with Bancóldex…
Women, key for global development Gender equality as a key factor for growth and development. This was the central topic of the Women Economic Forum…
BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s event at the UN, in images Have a look at the BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s session “Women as forerunners of change”, which focused on gender equality, financial…
“My job is to help women, who, like me have to overcome many barriers to be independent” Peruvian Rut Pelaiza has shared in United Nations how she once earned a living as a street vendor, until she…
Soacha’s heroines They lead different lives and have gone through unique experiences, but Jessica and Norma have more things in common, than…
Access to education to guarantee the future This is a story about a service that is as basic as it is essential, but that in some parts…
The first microfinance bank in Colombia, established by the BBVA Microfinance Foundation, celebrates ten years fostering the development of more than 1 million people in vulnerable situations The role of microfinance in Colombia, the challenges and opportunities of the sector’s digitization and the importance of supporting women’s…
Bancamía’s new recruitment process proves to be successful as it becomes more innovative and inclusive, causing more motivation and lower turnover rate The BBVA Microfinance Foundation and Bancamía, its institution in Colombia, have reduced staff turnover to less than half. In 2016,…
Bancamía, an institution of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation and She Is Foundation sign a partnership to support female victims of the armed conflict According to official data (Registro Único de Víctimas), currently there are more than 8.5 million victims of armed conflict; 4.6…
Asobancaria highlights Bancamía’s initiative on financial education as a successful case example Bancamía’s financial education program ‘Echemos Números’ (Let’s do the figures) has been highlighted among 12 successful cases recounting on banking initiatives.…
Ambitions know no borders A secluded territory does not stop Bancamía from building a branch office, as long as there are entrepreneurs longing for…