For the third consecutive year, BBVAMF is considered first foundation in contribution to development in Latin America and second in the world

The BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) is once again, for the third consecutive year, the first in contribution to development in Latin America, and the second in the world, according to Private Philanthropy for Development statistics data published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), detailing the contribution of the 40 largest foundations in the world.

The BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF), once again leads in Latin America in the contribution to development


The BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s contribution amounts to a total of 924 million dollars in official development assistance (ODA) recipient countries: 563 million in Peru, 260 in Colombia, 94 in the Dominican Republic and 8 in Panama. The 130 million disbursed in Chile are not included in these statistics; since 2018 it has not been an ODA recipient according to the Development Assistance Committee (DAC).

“To maintain a leading position in contribution to development  is a recognition towards the extraordinary work of our teams in America and Spain, especially since these figures reflect that we have helped millions of people to have a better life”, shared BBVAMF CEO, Javier M. Flores.

The total contribution of the foundations that report their statistics was almost 10.5 billion dollars in 2020. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation occupies the first position for another year with more than 4.6 billion dollars disbursed.

The OECD publishes these data following the same definitions and standards as those of the DAC member countries, allowing them to be comparable. The total ODA contribution of these countries was 162.2 billion dollars.