Six inspiring quotes from six exceptional women In the roundtable organized by BBVA Microfinance Foundation, entitled “Exceptional women: the value of an opportunity” under H.M. the Queen’s…
BBVAMF’s event at the UN covered in over 80 media outlets worldwide During the 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63) at the United Nations headquarters in New…
BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s event at the UN, in images Have a look at the BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s session “Women as forerunners of change”, which focused on gender equality, financial…
Becoming an entrepreneur out of necessity: a reality for the Latin-American female youth On a global level, youth and women face more barriers to access the labor market. This situation becomes even worse…
Orange the world, #HearMeToo: a call to hear out gender violence survivors For 16 days, the hashtag Orange the world: #HearMeToo was trending on social media. Do you want to know why?…
BBVA Microfinance Foundation receives award for the story of the female entrepreneur that travelled around the world Half of the million people served by the BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) in Colombia through Bancamía are women; mostly heads…
“Rural women, when given equal opportunities as men, achieve immediate social and economic progress” United Nations celebrates the International Rural Women’s Day every October 15th
Banco Adopem presents the outcome of its Microfranchise Model for low-income women Banco Adopem, together with the Multilateral Investment Fund– member of the Inter-American Development Bank– and Nestlé Dominicana, have presented the…
Progress on gender equality “far too slow”, according to the OECD According to the report “The Pursuit of Gender Equality, An Uphill Battle”, published by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Developmen (OECD), the…
“The Foundation, with Financiera Confianza, is a strategic ally for development and inclusion for those who need it the most”, Peru’s minister for Development Almost half a million vulnerable people in Peru experience progress with the support of Financiera Confianza, an entity of the…
The merit of being mistress of your own fate The first day that Brígida had to milk the twelve cows her husband had bought, she was exhausted by the…
Josefina, the dream weaver Josefina is an indigenous Wayuu, from a village in La Guajira region, in western Colombia. Thanks to Bancamía, today she…