More than half of the clients supported by Financiera Confianza are women, formerly excluded from the formal financial system Women were at the spotlight during the presentation of BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s (BBVAMF) 2018 Social Performance Report “Measuring what really…
Presentation of the 2018 BBVAMF Social Performance Report in Chile The BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) presents its social performance outcomes in Chile, collected in its 2018 Social Performance Report “Measuring…
BBVAMF’s 2018 Social Performance Report presented in Peru BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) presents the 2018 edition of its Social Performance Report “Measuring what really matters” in Peru.…
BBVAMF presents this year’s edition of its Social Performance Report in Colombia BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) presents the 2018 edition of its Social Performance Report “Measuring what really matters” in Colombia. The…
BBVAMF presents the 2018 edition of its Social Performance Report in the Dominican Republic BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) presents the 2018 edition of its Social Performance Report “Measuring what really matters” in the Dominican…
The BBVAMF serves 17,500 vulnerable entrepreneurs in Panama The BBVA Microfinance Foundation presents its 2017 Social Performance results and outcomes in a report entitled “Measuring what really matters”…
BBVA Microfinance Foundation measures its contribution to the SDG through the progress of the 2 million entrepreneurs it serves Technology, women's empowerment and rural development are key to improve entrepreneurship in Latin America
The BBVAMF promotes the development of more than 17,000 entrepreneurs in Panama Microserfin serves more than 17,000 people in Panama who improve their living standards through their own businesses. According to BBVAMF’s…
The BBVA Microfinance Foundation presents its annual social performance report before the major development and financial inclusion organizations in the Dominican Republic Bienvenida Benítez, Diana Céspedes and Porfirio Cedano have shared their experience as entrepreneurs today, during the presentation of the BBVA…
More than 80% of entrepreneurs from the BBVA Microfinance Foundation in Chile are women In a country where microentrepreneurs represent a quarter of the labor force, the BBVA Microfinance Foundation promotes the economic and…
“Microfinance is a very powerful tool to advance towards social inclusion and collective well-being”, financial superintendent of Colombia More than 850,000 vulnerable people are served by Bancamía in Colombia, an entity of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation, who presented…