BBVAMF presents this year’s edition of its Social Performance Report in Colombia

Event Details

    July 16, 2019
    08:00 - 10:00

Sede BBVA Colombia. Cra. 9 No. 72 - 21 Piso 11 Sucursal principal: Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Google Maps

BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) presents the 2018 edition of its Social Performance Report “Measuring what really matters” in Colombia.

The Colombian institution of the Foundation, Bancamía, reached up to a million clients in 2018. It provides savings, loans, insurance and educational loan through 200 offices, more than 3,000 external agents and mobile banking. It has also implemented mobility tools that allows loan officers to bring the branch offices closer to clients, making relevant information available to them, more efficiently and less costly.

BBVAMF has developed its own social impact assessment system based on quantitative and qualitative tools to best analyze the progress of the vulnerable entrepreneurs it serves. The report compiles the main conclusions on the activity of its six microfinance institutions that make up the Foundation’s Group, present in five countries in Latin America.