BBVAMF’s 2018 Social Performance Report presented in Peru

Event Details

    July 18, 2019

BBVA Banco Continental . Avda. República de Panamá, 3055 San Isidro - Lima 27
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BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) presents the 2018 edition of its Social Performance Report “Measuring what really matters” in Peru.

Financiera Confianza, the Peruvian institution of BBVAMF, served more than half a million low-income entrepreneurs in 2018. Out of its credit clients, 52% are females and 25% are less younger than 30 years old.

The report, which has become a reference in the microfinance sector, gathers the main conclusions of BBVAMF’s activity in five Latin American countries where it operates, through its six institutions. The Foundation also measures the progress of the more than 2 million people it accompanies, so they could progress.