‘Héroes’, BBVAMF’s innovative training tool lands at Edufin Summit, the financial education global event BBVA’s auditorium has become the epicenter of financial education for two days in a row, and for a brief moment,…
“Heroes”, an interactive experience that shows the social work of microfinance “Heroes” is a game that shows the daily lives of the entrepreneurs served by the Foundation, for the purpose of…
BBVA Microfinance Foundation promotes a corporate government adapted to the digital era in Latin America In its commitment with learning, and to improve financial inclusion in Latin America, BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) has held a…
The BBVAMF and Monterrey TEC will jointly train office managers The BBVA Microfinance Foundation Group (BBVAMFG) and the Mexican university Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (TEC) signed an…
Bancamía and Javeriana University promote Microfinance Diploma Microfinance has become an important productive sector in terms of entrepreneurship and employment, hence the need to train professionals in…
Agreement between Fondo Esperanza and Codesser in support of vulnerable Chilean entrepreneurs Fondo Esperanza and Corporación de Desarrollo Social del Sector Rural (Codesser) have signed an agreement to support the development of…
Servicios Microfinancieros founded to facilitate economic and social development of low-income earners in Chile Servicios Microfinancieros S.A. is the result of co-operation between BBVA Microfinance Foundation and the Credicoop co-operative. The new institution seeks…
BBVAMF and IDB will train specialists in microfinance and will promote good corporate governance in Latin American microfinance institutions This morning, the BBVA Microfinance Foundation and the Inter-American Development Bank have subscribed a collaboration agreement. The agreement contemplates training…
The BBVA Microfinance Foundation and the OEI sign an agreement to provide training and boost self employment among people living in situations of poverty in Colombia and Chile In this first stage, the project will offer training and education in finance for 600 low-income earners with basic literacy,…