H.M. the Queen presides over the event to celebrate the BBVAMF’s 15th anniversary, with the première of the documentary “After the rain” BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) turns 15 years old, supporting millions of people as they improve their lives. It celebrated this…
A third of the world’s population is still not connected to the Internet Digitalization and technology innovation will be critical if society is to make progress towards a more inclusive, sustainable world. However,…
H.M. The Queen of Spain chairs BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s institutional activity on its 15th anniversary celebration The BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) celebrates its 15th anniversary this year. Since its creation by the BBVA in May 2007,…
Spain: the second largest international provider of private philanthropy for development, thanks to the BBVAMF – OECD According to the latest data published by the OECD, globally, Spain is the second contributor to development through philanthropic funding, thanks to…
Children of low-income entrepreneurs access higher education thanks to the Transformando Realidades scholarship Along dirt roads, Sebastián Carreño could take up to one hour walking or in a vehicle to reach his school…
Podcast #23 de Onda MF: La importancia del acompañamiento y la formación digital en tiempos de crisis A través de diferentes alianzas con plataformas web, educativas y asociativas, Fondo Esperanza, (FE) entidad de la Fundación Microfinanzas BBVA…
Festival 1.5°C: Las soluciones al cambio climático a cinco años del Acuerdo de París en América Latina y el Caribe La Fundación Microfinanzas BBVA participa en el evento organizado por el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente…
Bancamía recibe el Premio Portafolio 2020 por su estrategia digital durante la pandemia La tecnología ha servido, una vez más, como una herramienta de inclusión para hacer frente a las restricciones sanitarias.
El taller de Yamile Salazar no para ante el COVID-19: así se ha reinventado esta emprendedora de la FMBBVA El taller de confección de ropa infantil de Yamile Salazar ya no es el mismo que hace unos meses. Se…
1st European Internal Communications Web Conference La Fundación Microfinanzas BBVA interviene en el 1st European Internal Communications Web Conference: The “New Normal” of Internal Comms, el…
16th Annual Global Microfinance Forum The 16th Annual Global Microfinance Forum will gather microfinance institutions, investors and other sector players who will share their experiences and viewpoints…
BBVAMF at Latin America’s most important gender equality forum ‘Women’s autonomy in changing economic scenarios’ was the central theme of the 14th Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and…