BBVA Microfinance Foundation, finalist in the Global SME Finance 2024 Awards The SME Finance Forum has announced that, after a rigorous evaluation process, the BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) is one of…
BBVAMF joins the global alliance to finance women entrepreneurs Women entrepreneurs own 22% of microenterprises and 32% of SMEs in the world, according to the United Nations. They generate…
The BBVA Microfinance Foundation, the first Spanish private strategic partner to join CGAP, the global development partnership housed at the World Bank The BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) is the first Spanish private sector organization to become a strategic partner of CGAP, a…
BBVA Microfinance Foundation and UNDP join forces to reduce poverty in Latin America Multidimensional poverty affects 1.1 billion people in more than 100 countries around the world, of which more than 33 million…
The BBVA Microfinance Foundation chosen among 500 as the overall awardee of the Go!ODS Awards, by UN Global Compact Spain (Pacto Mundial de ONU España) The BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) received the special award Good entre los go!ODS (Good among the go!ODS), chosen among the…
CSW68 | Gender-lens Financing & Innovating to End Poverty The Trust for the Americas (an affiliate of the OAS, Organization of American States), Republic of Panama’s Ministry of Social…
The Queen bears witness to how digital tools improve the lives of millions of vulnerable entrepreneurs Artificial intelligence and facial biometrics to conduct financial transactions and draw up climate vulnerability maps that optimize data to safeguard…
60% of the entrepreneurs served by the BBVAMF have escaped poverty in five years Closing gaps, creating opportunities Data from the Social Performance Report, that measures the development of 3 million vulnerable people, show that…
H.M. the Queen, in her Cooperation trip to Colombia, visits BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s women entrepreneurs in Cali H.M. the Queen has paid a visit to two of BBVAMF’s Colombian women entrepreneurs in Cali, Colombia, during her international…
4 trillion annually could bridge the inclusion and sustainability gap in 10 years ESG criteria confer a positive impact on society, the environment and corporate good governance, while also representing a lever for…
Apiculture in the desert: a surprising business that prospers with the help of technology To think of bees and flowers simultaneously is logical. That is why it is surprising to see that these insects…
The story of three Colombian families whose lives were changed by a microcredit, in a short film Blanca gazes at the horizon thinking about how a tough decision, bravely taken in the blink of an eye, changed…