The BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) received the special award Good entre los go!ODS (Good among the go!ODS), chosen among the winning projects for being the most innovative and sustainable of all. Additionally, it also won the SDG1 “No Poverty” category award during the IV Annual go!ODS Awards hosted by Pacto Mundial de ONU España (Global Compact) and the Rafael del Pino Foundation along with a score of sponsors. More than 500 nominations were assessed this year.
Javier M. Flores, CEO for BBVAMF guaranteed that “for the BBVAMF, reducing poverty and advancing sustainable development in Latin America has always guided our actions and our humble contribution to SDG 1. This recognition pushes us to move forward, even more determined to fulfill our purpose of building a better world for all.”
The BBVAMF, through its institutions in Latin America (Colombia, Peru, Dominican Republic, Chile and Panama) offers a wide range of financial services (loans and savings) as well as non-financial ones such as training and advice, addressed to people in vulnerable conditions so they could progress.
Since its founding in 2007, it has disbursed more than USD19.6 billion in loans to more than 6 million low-income entrepreneurs, the majority of whom are women.
The criteria for choosing the 17 winners, as well as the special awardee are focused on innovation, capacity to generate impact, SDG awareness raising and the collaborative work through partnerships, emphasizing the importance of cooperation to tackle complex challenges and achieve meaningful results.