Women, key for global development Gender equality as a key factor for growth and development. This was the central topic of the Women Economic Forum…
When determination and resolution break barriers She gets out of bed early, puts on her boots and climbs into her truck, which she uses to deliver…
Six inspiring quotes from six exceptional women In the roundtable organized by BBVA Microfinance Foundation, entitled “Exceptional women: the value of an opportunity” under H.M. the Queen’s…
BBVAMF’s event at the UN covered in over 80 media outlets worldwide During the 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63) at the United Nations headquarters in New…
BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s event at the UN, in images Have a look at the BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s session “Women as forerunners of change”, which focused on gender equality, financial…
“My job is to help women, who, like me have to overcome many barriers to be independent” Peruvian Rut Pelaiza has shared in United Nations how she once earned a living as a street vendor, until she…
Soacha’s heroines They lead different lives and have gone through unique experiences, but Jessica and Norma have more things in common, than…
Woman, mother and entrepreneur journeying towards success It was on Esperanza (Hope) Avenue, as chance would have it, in the Ate district, where Lucy challenged the opinions…
2018 marks another historical year in the journey towards gender equality A lot has changed for women since 1947. A year where, for the first time, 15 government representatives convened, all…
Bancamía signs an agreement for gender equality in Colombia According to the PAR 2017 Ranking, in Colombia, women receive 22% less salary than men. The PAR Community was launched…
Goal 5: Achieve equality between genders and empower all women and girls According to the United Nations, gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation to achieve…