Bancamía launches a credit line to support microentrepreneurs affected by strike ‘AVANZAMOS’ (‘We move forward’) is the new credit line launched by BBVA Microfinance Foundation in Colombia, in partnership with Bancóldex…
Presentation in Spain of the 2019 Social Institutions and Gender Index Enterprising women, leaders of social change in Ibero- America The BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF), together with the OECD Development Centre…
Pastry chef Jordi Roca presents Casa Cacao, a book that tells the experiences of small producers served by the BBVA Microfinance Foundation Jordi Roca, the well-known pastry chef from El Celler de Can Roca, has launched his new book “Casa Cacao” in…
BBVA CEO will visit Colombian entrepreneurs served by the BBVAMF Carlos Torres will meet entrepreneurs of Bancamía, the BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s institution in Colombia and visit their micro businesses which…
Jordi Roca ends his quest for the best cacao with entrepreneurs from Bancamía Jordi Roca, considered the best pastry chef in the world, made Colombia his last stop in Latin America as he…
Four ventures that make the most out of summer season The prospect of sun, beach and warm weather make summer the perfect season to travel the world and discover different…
Top ten phrases that highlight BBVAMF’s 10th Anniversary in Madrid Read again all the information about the event here.
The President of BBVA to visit BBVA Microfinance Foundation entrepreneurs in Soacha Francisco González will meet clients of Bancamía, BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s MFI in Colombia, and will learn about some of the projects…
Silver Entrepreneurs People who fight to overcome their present situation and make their dreams come true by changing their own and their…
ADOPEM Bank loan portfolio grows by more than 15% in 2016 The Savings and Credit Bank ADOPEM, serving vulnerable entrepreneurs in the Dominican Republic, increased its loan portfolio in 2016 by…
Francisco González visits small business owners supported by BBVA Microfinance Foundation in Soacha, epicenter of displaced Colombians The BBVA Chairman held a meeting with clients of Bancamía, BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s bank in Colombia. The BBVA Microfinance Foundation…
Microserfin recognizes the importance of entrepreneurship in disadvantaged sectors Microserfin has signed a participation agreement with the Citi Microenterprise Development Awards (PREMIC) 2015, which recognize the importance of entrepreneurship…