See the clients' numbers of BBVA Microfinance Foundation

We support vulnerable people

As it has been said before, FMBBVA is aimed at people with the lowest resources who carry out or may carry out a productive activity. Its purpose is to help them generate surpluses in a sustainable and increasing way, by means of financial and non financial help.

From our point of view as for Productive Finance, the most important thing is the possibility to support our clients’ businesses and the surpluses that these businesses produce. This way, they could reach upper and stable income levels in order to definitely leave the precarious situation in which they have lived so far.

This same prospect takes us to evaluate our job from a double objective: on the one hand, we must be able to reach and help people with the lowest possible resources, this is nevertheless not enough; we also want these low-income clients to make progress and generate surpluses in a sustainable and increasing way, which allow them to leave their previous vulnerability situation.

Our clients got incomes of USD 6 per person and per day (median). 32% of our clients live with poor incomes; 15% of them with less than USD 2 per person and per day, and 17% of them with less than USD 4.


In the lowest income levels there are a majority of women, while in the upper bracket the distribution of men and women is almost the same. This is because the main job which is carried out by women frequently within the family’s environment is usually the main engine of their growth.

Women represent 62% of our clients with financial assets. The main part of our clients are women, as in the markets where we work there is a majority of women among the groups with the lowest resources who live in a precarious situation.

Income per person and per day; and Income by gender

Women entrepreneurs are enjoying a steady historic success in the path to overcome their vulnerable situation thanks to the strengthening of their business and homes.