Methodological note

This study has been drawn up with the information gathered from our clients when they were granted a loan or the renewal of the same. Therefore, we have left aside those clients whose connection with our entities is just that of savers. In the following sections a detailed analysis has been carried out in order to have knowledge of the Social development characteristics of every entity.

Leaving aside those clients who only have liabilities in the entities, Bancamía (Colombia), Caja Nuestra Gente/ Financiera Confianza (Peru) and Adopem Bank (Dominican Republic) are the entities where a higher development can be seen.

Nota metodológica

This report, aimed to release the economic vulnerability and success of our clients, is based on the income variance recorded in our entities databases. In each one of our entities we take an income variance as a point of reference in order to estimate the clients’ creditworthiness, and consequently, the amount of credit they can be granted. The several “income” categories have been used interchangeably. They are related to the family's income in order to make comparisons between the client’s poverty and vulnerability situations. For this reason, our clients' income may have been overestimated in some cases. According to the official statistics of these countries, we have taken into account an average family size of four people to work out the per capita income in those cases where this information was not available. A study about the sample of clients who have been in the entity from 2008 to 2012 has been carried out to have a dynamic view of our clients’ development throughout. This way, the evolution of the key variances from the beginning of the period has been analysed. In the same way, the client’s situation at the beginning of the period has been compared to the same information recorded at the end, in the 2011 or 2012, interchangeably.

Moreover, we have also carried out surveys among a representative sample of our clients in December 2012 and January 2013 in order to complete and extend the information recorded in our entities databases.