See the clients' numbers of BBVA Microfinance Foundation

The Foundation:

Poverty, as a dynamic process, makes those who suffer from it live in changeableness economic situations which are characterized by the uncertainty and by the difficulties to generate incomes constantly for a long time. These incomes would guarantee their basic needs in the long term. For this reason, saving acquires higher importance among the needy, as in contrast with those who enjoy favourable economic conditions, they have no access to financing, or maybe not in a flexible way or in market conditions, so saving results unavoidable to guarantee their subsistence.

Data Group December 2012

We have adopted a business model based on Productive Finance which offers small entrepreneurs access to financial products and services designed to satisfy the sustainable growth needs of their business. Therefore, thanks to the incomes they have produced, they will be able to cover their production costs, their family and their own basic needs and so, they will be kept away from poverty.

We go for our clients’ development by granting them help with productive finance. We respect their dignity at work, as we believe in them, in their entrepreneurial skills, and in their ability to take advantage to the access to those finance and strengthening with them their productive activity.

In previous pages you will find a first analysis based on the content of the activity carried out and the results reported during these first years. The results are highly satisfactory. Their productive activities have become stronger and most of them have obtained higher incomes in their business and have also achieved an improvement in their quality of live.

Productive finance: tools for overcoming poverty