Banco Adopem presents the outcome of its Microfranchise Model for low-income women Banco Adopem, together with the Multilateral Investment Fund– member of the Inter-American Development Bank– and Nestlé Dominicana, have presented the…
PHOTO GALLERY: Special session ‘SDGs and the role of financial inclusion’ in pictures The main players in international development gathered in the United Nations Headquarters last March 5th in a special session hosted…
The BBVA Microfinance Foundation carries the voice of its female entrepreneurs to the United Nations The BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF), together with the diplomatic delegates from Spain, Colombia and UN Women, has gathered key international…
Financiera Confianza, the first Peruvian entity in Outreach category to microenterprises and retailers according to the “Microfinance Americas: Top 100 of 2014” ranking Financiera Confianza is the first Peruvian entity to provide credit to microentrepreneurs and retailers according to the report “Microfinance…
Banco ADOPEM, fifth best microfinance institution in Latin America and the Caribbean in the top 100 ranking With the loan from Banco Adopem, Andrés Avelino Lara bought an electric oven and increased his production of cakes. He…
1,200 low-income entrepreneurs improve their homes thanks to support from Microserfin Through CASAFIN, an innovative financial product aimed at helping low-income entrepreneurs adapt their homes to provide the best facilities for…
Microserfin, the only Panamanian institution to appear for the second year running in the ranking “Microfinance Americas: The Top 100, 2013 edition” Microserfin continues to be the only Panamanian institution in the annual ranking of the most important microfinance Institutions (MFI) in…
Bancamía receives a FOMIN award for its development of ‘green’ financial products During the IDB Forum that took place this week in Guadalajara, Mexico, the Micro-finance Bank –Bancamía S.A. was selected in…
Fondo Esperanza and Sernam sign collaboration agreement The agreement seeks to benefit women who wish to improve their quality of life through entrepreneurship and self-employment. This alliance…