Becoming an entrepreneur out of necessity: a reality for the Latin-American female youth On a global level, youth and women face more barriers to access the labor market. This situation becomes even worse…
The importance of savings For more than a decade, 31st of October has been celebrated as International Savings Day. According to the Interamerican Development…
Banco Adopem encourages entrepreneurship among the youth in Dominican Republic More than 50,000 people approached Banco Adopem for the first time in 2017. BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s Dominican institution disbursed microcredits…
Banco ADOPEM, at the Expo CONACERD 2016 business fair Banco ADOPEM has taken part for the first time in Expo CONACERD, where it presented products for micro, small and…
Over 37,000 women customers of Financiera Confianza are heads of single-parent households In 2015 Financiera Confianza supported over 58,000 mothers, 65% of whom –37,700– are heads of household; in other words, single…
“Saving is an effective mechanism for creating wealth” declares Banco Adopem on World Savings Day With the slogan “El que ahorra siempre tiene” (If you save, you’ll always have money), and continuing with their mission…
Financiera Confianza is the first private institution to lead a savings program in Peruvian rural areas Juana Hanco Quispe (25 years old) is one of the clients served by Financiera Confianza through Ahorro para Todos (Savings…
Banco ADOPEM and Proyecto Capital sign a cooperation agreement Banco ADOPEM and Proyecto Capital foster the inclusion of vulnerable families in the formal financial system by introducing financial literacy…