The BBVAMF joins the celebrations to mark the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 15% of the most vulnerable and marginalized people in the world belong to some indigenous community There are 370 million…
Bancamía, finalist in the Andesco Award for Corporate Social Responsibility 2016 for its inclusive social performance This award is recognition of the work and mission performed by the bank to improve the quality of life of…
Bancamía delivered 67,150 loans to entrepreneurs in the microenterprise sector in the first quarter of 2016 In the three first months of 2016, Bancamía delivered productive loans to 19,100 new customers and disbursed COP $248,634 million.…
WBG President Kim Visits IFC Microfinance Client in Colombia World Bank Group President, Jim Yong Kim, met with a small group of microfinance beneficiaries of Bancamía during a recent…
The World Bank Group, the BBVA Microfinance Foundation and Bancamía organized a workshop on rural microinsurance for the agriculture and livestock sector The areas of greatest poverty in Colombia are concentrated in the rural parts of the country. The workshop on rural…
A Bancamía customer wins the Citi Microentrepreneur Award The Bancamía customer Daniel Cepeda, whose business entails the production and sale of food items that he distributes via small…
The executive president of Bancamía receives the Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award in Colombia María Mercedes Gómez received this prestigious award presented by EY that recognizes the work of entrepreneurs. The award was granted…
Bancamía marks its seven years of activity with a 355% growth in its number of customers For seven years Bancamía has been bringing the financial system to underprivileged Colombians in order to provide them with tools…
Bancamía presents its new corporate website Bancamía has launched its new corporate website to enhance communication between the bank’s customers and users. This useful tool will…
Bancamía provides financial products and services to help former convicts succeed in business Bancamía is partnering on the Casa Libertad project, which supports former convicts in Colombia who have served their sentences. The…
Bancamía supports low-income Colombians in adverse situations through bancassurance programs In order to support the economic stability of its customers in difficult situations, Bancamía offers life, funeral and property damage…
Bancamía receives a special accolade in the “Shared Value Award” from the Bogota Chamber of Commerce Miguel Achury, vice-president of Planning at Bancamía, and Jackeline Rincón, director of Sustainability, receive the “Shared Value Award”