Women and entrepreneurs In the context of this year’s International Women’s Day, held on March 8, the latest survey by the Ministry of…
More than half a million chilean women are entrepreneurs More than half of them come from the most vulnerable sectors of society, and being self-employed significantly improves the quality…
“Female entrepreneurs are better payers because they regard credit as a long-term investment that will benefit their families” The General Manager of Financiera Confianza, Martín Naranjo Landerer, stated that 51% of the entity's customers are female entrepreneurs. Mr.…
Confianza helped more than 100,000 Peruvian female entrepreneurs in 2014 Present in all regions of Peru, Financiera Confianza is a leading company in the country's microfinance sector. Its mission makes…
In 2015 Bancamía will expand its presence in Colombia With the opening of new branches, more banking correspondents and the launch of the Mobile Banking channel, the company aims…
Financiera Confianza has succeeded in helping 27% of its underprivileged customers rise out of poverty Financiera Confianza is a leading company in the microfinance sector with half a million customers and a wide network of…
In six years, Bancamía’s customer base has grown by 300% Bancamía, launched on 14 October 2008, was the first bank in the country dedicated exclusively to offering a wide range…
Forum for Rural Development, a space to learn about the current situation and propose changes The microfinance bank Bancamía S.A., BBVA Microfinance Foundation, the International Financial Corporation (IFC) and the National Planning Department (DNP) are…
Mercedes Canalda de Beras-Goico, executive president of Banco Adopem, was the Dominican representative at the 17th World Microcredit Summit During the summit the microfinance institutions undertook to lift one hundred million families out of extreme poverty.
Microserfin opens its new headquarters in Panama City Microserfin has opened its new headquarters at avenida Aquilino de la Guardia, junction with Calle 48 Este, Bella Vista, in…
Banco ADOPEM, the only financial institution to obtain top financial and social ratings Banco ADOPEM has increased its financial rating to ALPHA PLUS (α+) with a Stable trend according to the report by…
Emprende Microfinanzas promises support for entrepreneurs affected by the fire in Valparaíso The general manager of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation in Chile announced that it would study alternatives to ensure that all…