
Social and economic evolution in Latin America

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) presented its report on “The Social Panorama of Latin America 2014” at the end of January. The study has been drawn up since the beginning of the ‘90’s and provides a broad-ranging analysis of the most outstanding economic and social aspects of the Latin-American countries, tracking their performance over time.

This year’s report bases its conclusions on the economic data gathered in 2013 and during the first quarter of 2014. It shows that, despite the important economic growth in the region over the last decade, which was above the world-wide average, poverty and inequality have scarcely moved from their 2011 and 2012 levels.

In order to contribute to a more comprehensive design of public policies aimed at overcoming poverty and socioeconomic inequality, the report focuses its analysis on  : (i) youth and development, (ii) gender inequality in the labour market and its impact on socio-economic inequality and, finally, (iii) urban residential segregation and the reproduction of inequalities