
Microfinance. Beyond Poverty

"Realidad de las Microfinanzas en Chile", a report drawn up by BBVA Research and presented by the BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF), Fondo Esperanza (FE) and Emprende Microfinanzas reaffirms a very significant fact: with nearly two million microenterprises, Chile is an enterprising country. ...


Socorro Heysen Zegarra, Head of Peru’s Banking, Insurance & Private Pension Fund Authority

Financial institutions must work very hard on understanding what these groups need, and offer them useful products and services

Microfinance, Inclusion and Development



Inclusion and Development

Inclusion and Development


About us

A digital review of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation Group (BBVAMF), focused on the activity of the BBVAMF and its microfinance institutions, including an overview of the most important microfinance, corporate governance and CSR regulations, with current contents relevant to the sector

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