Digital legal review


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Corporate Governance: the challenge facing the microfinance industry

Many Colombian companies have been rolling out changes to their corporate governance systems since External Circular 024/2014 came into force. This legislation was enacted by the Colombian financial supervisor and discussed in the first issue of “Progreso”. In this editorial we want to highl...


Felipe González

Microcredit lending is a very efficacious tool for developing the countryside and incorporating professionals and artisans into the productive activities of the country.

Microfinance, Inclusion and Development



Inclusion and Development

Inclusion and Development


About us

A digital review of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation Group (BBVAMF), focused on the activity of the BBVAMF and its microfinance institutions, including an overview of the most important microfinance, corporate governance and CSR regulations, with current contents relevant to the sector

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