
Group Corporate Governance Code

BBVA Microfinance Foundation

The BBVA Microfinance Foundation, as a multinational group with specific governance requirements in each jurisdiction, is aware of the importance of having some core guidelines on corporate governance for its entire group of entities. Thus, it has adopted a Group Corporate Governance Code upholding the highest international standards.

The BBVA Microfinance Foundation Group Corporate Governance Code is a benchmark document for all corporate groups operating in different jurisdictions. It lays down the shared lines of good governance for the microfinance entities making up its Group and underpins the Foundation’s commitment to maximum transparency in its relationship with stakeholders.


The Code has been acknowledged as one of theten best initiatives for transparency and corporate governance (las 10 mejores iniciativas de transparencia y buen gobierno 2015-2016) by Fundación Compromiso y Transparencia, for having designed  a governance model through which an organisation can be recognised a working with a cohesive corporate culture and language while adapting to multiple legislations  with internal rules and standards.