Actualidad Panama

National Entrepreneurship Council

Executive Decree 177, Ministry of Trade & Industries

The Ministry of Trade & Industries passed Executive Decree 177 on 14 November, creating the Republic of Panama’s National Entrepreneurship Council.

The regulation sets out how the National Entrepreneurship Council will have the function of coordinating and monitoring the roll out of the actions in the National Entrepreneurship Pact, signed in November 2016. Likewise, the institution must support the work done by the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Panama with an action plan from now until 2020.

To date, the National Entrepreneurship Council is made up of 42 members who have signed the National Entrepreneurship Pact. These members, whose posts will be ad honorem, are representatives of public and private institutions.

The National Entrepreneurship Council will meet on a regular basis twice a year, with the option to hold as many extraordinary meetings as needed.

Finally, the Decree also sets up a Coordinating Committee with the main task of acting upon and following up the actions mandated in the National Entrepreneurship Council’s plenary session.