See the clients' numbers of Fondo Esperanza in Chile

Fondo Esperanza en el
in the Chilean context

Fondo Esperanza in the Chilean context Distribution Of Clients Fps Score
  • Fondo Esperanza selects its clients in accordance with their socioeconomic vulnerability condition. They assist people who face the risk of falling in poverty and this includes those families who are now living in poverty and those who have a high probability to be in that situation in the future. Vulnerability is a more dynamic and wide concept devoted to the identification not only of poor family groups (or maybe vulnerable family groups), More than a half of its clients are among the most vulnerable 20% of the population (in accordance with the official score given by the Chilean government) when they begin to work with the entity. Another 20% are qualified entrepreneurs placed in the most vulnerable 40%. They are considered to be vulnerable people because they report low-income levels, close to the line of poverty or indigence, and according to other reasons such as: low level of education, family but also of some kind of family members who are weaker than others: minors, elderly people, disabled people, adolescent mothers and women who are the head of their home.

Fondo Esperanza clients’ vulnerability

Fondo Esperanza attracts its beneficiaries according to the FPS score.

More than a half of its clients are among the most vulnerable 20% of the population (in accordance with the official score given by the Chilean government) when they begin to work with the entity. Another 20% are qualified entrepreneurs placed in the most vulnerable 40%.

They are considered to be vulnerable people because they report low-income levels, close to the line of poverty or indigence, and according to other reasons such as: low level of education, family conditions or scarcity of their economic activity. For these reasons Fondo Esperanza offers an all-round service - credit plan, entrepreneurship school, net promoter - that allows them to overcome and/or reduce not only their poor condition as for their income levels, but also their vulnerable situation, as they are given tools in order to strengthen their new life and avoid falling in poverty or going back to it.

Rosa Sepúlveda Rosa Sepúlveda