Providing financial support for the productive development of Panamanian businesswomen At Microserfin we are committed to the comprehensive development of Panamanian women and we work day after day to develop…
More than half a million chilean women are entrepreneurs More than half of them come from the most vulnerable sectors of society, and being self-employed significantly improves the quality…
Confianza helped more than 100,000 Peruvian female entrepreneurs in 2014 Present in all regions of Peru, Financiera Confianza is a leading company in the country's microfinance sector. Its mission makes…
On Women’s Day, Bancamía presents a female entrepreneurship profile, supported by its productive financial activity In the rural sector, these women make great gains in independence by undertaking productive activity in jobs that were once…
Emprende Microfinanzas facilitated 16,700 loans in 2013 Emprende made a 17% growth in loans last year, and particularly increased its financial support for young women, a segment…
Fondo Esperanza and Sernam sign collaboration agreement The agreement seeks to benefit women who wish to improve their quality of life through entrepreneurship and self-employment. This alliance…