A reward-filled week for the BBVA Microfinance Group The origins of the word “reward” can be traced back to the old French term reguard, which means “to regard…
Banco Adopem hosts a Christmas celebration with entrepreneurs As a part of its Christmas celebrations, the Dominican institution of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation organized a gathering with the…
BBVA Microfinance Foundation receives award for the story of the female entrepreneur that travelled around the world Half of the million people served by the BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) in Colombia through Bancamía are women; mostly heads…
Fondo Esperanza will award thirty thousand entrepreneurs throughout Chile This year, BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s Chilean institution, Fondo Esperanza (FE), will acknowledge the merit of over thirty thousand entrepreneurs in…
The IDB acknowledges Banco Adopem for its efforts in rural areas of the Dominican Republic These awards are considered the most important in the region
Photo Gallery: BBVAMF is awarded again for its app “Simón” The Amigotchi program, ‘Simón’, of BBVA Microfinance Foundation is awarded again, this time in the category of Innovation Strategy and…