The BBVAMF serves 17,500 vulnerable entrepreneurs in Panama The BBVA Microfinance Foundation presents its 2017 Social Performance results and outcomes in a report entitled “Measuring what really matters”…
Bancamía presents two initiatives as successful examples in the sustainability report of Asobancaria Bancamía introduced two initiatives in the Sustainability Report of the Colombian Association of Banks and Financial Entities (Asobancaria). Both have…
The BBVAMF promotes the development of more than 17,000 entrepreneurs in Panama Microserfin serves more than 17,000 people in Panama who improve their living standards through their own businesses. According to BBVAMF’s…
Bancamía delivered 67,150 loans to entrepreneurs in the microenterprise sector in the first quarter of 2016 In the three first months of 2016, Bancamía delivered productive loans to 19,100 new customers and disbursed COP $248,634 million.…