BBVA Microfinance Foundation on its 10th year: a battle against poverty from the private sector The BBVAMF will present its Social Performance Report for 2016, Measuring what really matters, in Peru, included within the events…
Financiera Confianza obtains 2.6 times the demand in its placement of the A series of its fifth issue of negotiable certificates of deposit Financiera Confianza placed negotiable certificates of deposit at 360 days for S/70 million soles and obtained in response a demand…
Financiera Confianza is the first private institution in Peru to roll out a savings program in rural areas - The “Ahorro para Todos” (Saving for Everyone) program has brought financial literacy and training to 4,500 poor and extremely…
Financiera Confianza helped over 72,500 women entrepreneurs and mothers in Peru to get ahead Martín Naranjo, the bank’s general manager, highlighted the participation of women entrepreneurs and mothers in the economy, as “they run…
“Female entrepreneurs are better payers because they regard credit as a long-term investment that will benefit their families” The General Manager of Financiera Confianza, Martín Naranjo Landerer, stated that 51% of the entity's customers are female entrepreneurs. Mr.…
Confianza helped more than 100,000 Peruvian female entrepreneurs in 2014 Present in all regions of Peru, Financiera Confianza is a leading company in the country's microfinance sector. Its mission makes…
Financiera Confianza has succeeded in helping 27% of its underprivileged customers rise out of poverty Financiera Confianza is a leading company in the microfinance sector with half a million customers and a wide network of…