The Board is the highest body of governance, representation and administration; it is responsible for ensuring compliance with the organization’s purposes and for the diligent administration of the goods and rights making up its assets, while maintaining their returns and usefulness. Trustees are appointed for four year periods.
Our Trustees
ANNA ESCOBEDO CABRAL: She served as the 42nd Treasurer of the United States of America. She was Executive Staff Director of the U.S. Senate Republican Conference Task Force on Hispanic Affairs, Deputy Staff Director of U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Senior Principal Advisor of External Relations at the Inter-American Development Bank, and has also led the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility and the Smithsonian Institution’s Center for Latino Initiatives.
BA in Political Science from the University of California, Davis, Master in Public Administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government, in Harvard University, and Juris Doctorate from George Mason University School of Law.
- CLAUDIO GONZÁLEZ-VEGA: Professor Emeritus at Ohio State University, internationally renowned authority in finance and development, particularly in microfinance analysis, promotion and regulation. BS Economics and ML Law degrees from University of Costa Rica. MS Economics from London School of Economics and PhD in Economics from Stanford University.
- TOMÁS ALFARO DRAKE: Director of Management and Business Administration graduate studies at Francisco de Vitoria University (Spain). Industrial Engineer from Pontificia de Comillas University. MBA from IESE.
- MARÍA BEGOÑA SUSANA RODRÍGUEZ VIDARTE: Professor of Business Economics and Management Control, currently teaching undergraduate and postgraduate programs at Deusto University in Spain, Argentina and Chile. PhD in Economics and Business Management from Deusto University.
- NANCY BARRY: Former President of Women’s World Banking. Founder and CEO of Enterprise Solutions to Poverty. Bachelor of Economics from Stanford University. MBA from Harvard University.
- JOSÉ BARREIRO: Previously responsible for BBVA Group’s Wholesale Banking & Asset Management and Corporate & Investment Banking areas, former Vice-President of Bolsas y Mercados Españoles. Economics degree from Complutense University. Diploma in Tax and Fiscal Law from Instituto de Estudios Financieros.
- ANA REVENGA: Senior Researcher at the Brookings Institution and assistant professor in Economics at Brown University. Former Deputy Chief Economist and Senior Director for the Global Poverty & Equity Practice in the World Bank Group. B.A. Economics and Mathematics from Wellesley College. Masters and PhD in Economics from Harvard University.
- CRISTINA DE PARIAS: With over 30 years of experience working in the financial sector, she has assumed important challenges in different strategic areas such as innovation and development of digital businesses, payment methods or insurance. She was director of BBVA Spain and named Best Director by the Great Place to Work consultancy. Law degree from the University of Seville and MBA from the IESE Business School.