Fondo Esperanza SpA, a new microfinance entity, created to support low-income entrepreneurs in Chile Fondo Esperanza SpA will be a leader in the Chilean microfinance sector using community banking methodology. The goal is to…
BBVA Microfinance foundation launches the Universal Corporate Governance code for the Latin American microfinance sector Ninety percent of microfinance institutions have weak or non-existing corporate governance structures Corporate Governance ensures the correct management and administration…
Fondo Esperanza and BBVA Microfinance Foundation join to help low-income small entrepreneurs The newly-created company will be positioned as a leader in the Chilean microfinance sector with community banking methodology. The goal…
BBVA Microfinance Foundation enters Panama Acquires 70% of the capital of Microserfín to facilitate access to credit for low-income entrepreneurs in Panama Microserfín has 9,000…
BBVA Microfinance Foundation acquires the entity “Financiera Confianza” to go further into the poorest rural sectors of Peru The transaction includes the subsequent merger of Financiera Confianza with Caja Nuestra Gente and its conversion into a bank. The…
IFC invests US$10 million in Bancamía to strengthen foundation activities in Colombia IFC, the World Bank group organisation for the private sector, is to invest up to US$10 million in preference shares…
Javier Flores Moreno, new CEO of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation The Foundation is enhancing its organisational and management structure to adapt to the extraordinary growth the institution has undergone in…
Servicios Microfinancieros founded to facilitate economic and social development of low-income earners in Chile Servicios Microfinancieros S.A. is the result of co-operation between BBVA Microfinance Foundation and the Credicoop co-operative. The new institution seeks…
BBVA Microfinance Foundation, Universidad Javeriana and Spain’s Open University (UNED) are to train expert executives in microfinance in Colombia July will see the introduction of the Diploma as Expert Executive in Microfinance launched by the Foundation in partnership with…
International Finance Corporation to take 16.4% capital stake in Caja Nuestra Gente to support expansion of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation in Peru The investment will be through an increase in capital, and will provide Caja Nuestra Gente with additional resources to assist…
BBVAMF and IDB will train specialists in microfinance and will promote good corporate governance in Latin American microfinance institutions This morning, the BBVA Microfinance Foundation and the Inter-American Development Bank have subscribed a collaboration agreement. The agreement contemplates training…
“The Future of Microfinance in Peru” Forum, organised by the BBVA Microfinance Foundation, has taken place in Lima Within the framework of the forum, the BBVA Microfinance Foundation presented the first edition of the Programme for the Management…