The Queen bears witness to how digital tools improve the lives of millions of vulnerable entrepreneurs Artificial intelligence and facial biometrics to conduct financial transactions and draw up climate vulnerability maps that optimize data to safeguard…
H.M. the Queen presides over the event to celebrate the BBVAMF’s 15th anniversary, with the première of the documentary “After the rain” BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) turns 15 years old, supporting millions of people as they improve their lives. It celebrated this…
BBVA chairman visits entrepreneurs supported by BBVAMF, global leader in contribution to development in Latin America The 2030 Agenda defines quality education as key to abandon poverty and achieve socioeconomic progress for the student and their…
Microentrepreneurs from Peru share their experience with BBVA chairman Isabel Rivero and Iris Eliana Salazar are Peruvian women entrepreneurs who face daily struggles to drive their small businesses forward…
The BBVA Microfinance Foundation facilitates access to health insurance for low-income women In Latin America, approximately 30% of the population have no access to healthcare due to the lack of financial resources…
Digitization for financial inclusion: expanding outreach to those who need it the most Committed to the sustainable development of people living invulnerable conditions and who have greatly suffered from the pandemic’s consequences in…
Yamile Salazar stitches bridges, word by word There are lots of ways to build bridges, but there is no stronger way to do it than with words.…
More than half of the clients supported by Financiera Confianza are women, formerly excluded from the formal financial system Women were at the spotlight during the presentation of BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s (BBVAMF) 2018 Social Performance Report “Measuring what really…
BBVAMF’s event at the UN covered in over 80 media outlets worldwide During the 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63) at the United Nations headquarters in New…
Quotable quotes from BBVAMF’s United Nations side event These statements are just some of the most distinguished ones during the session hosted by BBVA Microfinance Foundation at the…
BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s event at the UN, in images Have a look at the BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s session “Women as forerunners of change”, which focused on gender equality, financial…
“My job is to help women, who, like me have to overcome many barriers to be independent” Peruvian Rut Pelaiza has shared in United Nations how she once earned a living as a street vendor, until she…