
The Role of Financial Services in Humanitarian Crises

El Zoghbi, Mayada, Nadine Chehade, Peter McConanghy and Matthew Soursourian

Humanitarian crises triggered by conflicts, natural disasters or climate-related events are on the rise and affect millions of people, especially the most vulnerable. Financial inclusion enables different segments to access financial services which provide the bridge towards humanitarian development.

Financial services have helped vulnerable and excluded people to cushion the impact of different crisis contexts, minimising their risk exposure and stimulating economic activity. The report* acknowledges this, seeing it as a solution to emergency situations and facilitating the development process.


El Zoghbi, Mayada, Nadine Chehade, Peter McConaghy and Matthew Soursourian. 2017. “The Role of Financial Services in Humanitarian Crises.” Forum 12. Washington, D.C.: CGAP, SPF, and World Bank.