Actualidad Dominican Republic

New law on notaries public

No. 140/2015, 7th August, repealing Law 301/1964, 18th June

Law 140/2015 repeals Law 301/1964, making the regulations governing notaries public and their function more suited to current times. It establishes a lower number of notaries per inhabitant, the use of digital signatures, the creation of a registry of wills and proxies, a new type of notarial paper and the regulation of notarial prices.

 Current situation

The banking associations of retail and savings & loans banks, Asociación de Bancos Comerciales de la República Dominicana (ABA), Asociación de Bancos de Ahorro y Crédito (ABANCORD) and Liga de Asociaciones de Ahorros y Préstamos (LIDAAPI), presented an allegation of unconstitutionality.