
Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2017: World Development Indicators

World Bank

The Atlas*, published by the World Bank, focuses on 17 Sustainable Development Goals that allow trends to be analysed and challenges identified.

The Sustainable Development Goals are: No poverty; Zero hunger; Good health and well-being; Quality education; Gender equality; Clean water and sanitation; Affordable and clean energy; Decent work and economic growth; Industry, innovation and infrastructure; Reduced inequalities; Sustainable cities and communities; Responsible consumption and production; Climate action; Life below water; Life on land; Peace, justice and strong institutions; and Partnerships for world development.

The report argues that by achieving these targets and by improving methods, practices and working on the different areas, it will be feasible to build a fairer world.

Click here to read the document:


* World Bank. 2017. Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2017: World Development Indicators. Washington, DC: World Bank. doi:10.1596/978-1-4648-1080-0. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO