38% of Banco Adopem’s clients abandon poverty after two years of working with the institution BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s Dominican institution offers financial products and services to support the social and economic development of people living…
Technology: main topic at the 9th Asomicrofinanzas Conference in Colombia This year, the Colombian Association of Microfinance Institutions (Asomicrofinanzas) held its conference in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) under the title…
Chatbots, AI, Blockchain and Productive Finance: BBVAMF in a technological forum at Alicante University Artificial Intelligence (AI) and blockchain were the main topics of the Third Seminar by the BAES Research Group, the International…
Evolution of poverty in Latin America Poverty is on the rise. According to the latest social panorama report from the Economic Commission for Latin America and…
SDG 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere To achieve the Goal of ending poverty, economic growth should be inclusive, in order to create sustainable employment and promote…
24% of Banco ADOPEM’s customers rise out of poverty after their second year with the bank On the occasion of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, Banco ADOPEM noted that thanks to the financial services…
55% of Financiera Confianza’s customers are able to rise out of poverty in the third year of their association with the bank To mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, Financiera Confianza announces that its methodology has enabled 55% of…
Financiera Confianza has succeeded in helping 27% of its underprivileged customers rise out of poverty Financiera Confianza is a leading company in the microfinance sector with half a million customers and a wide network of…
Entrepreneurship as a tool for overcoming poverty: assessment by Bancamía On the “International Day for the Eradication of Poverty”, Bancamía takes stock of its record in improving the living standards…