The BBVA Microfinance Foundation together with the United Nations, promotes more just and inclusive societies The SDG Fund’s latest report, “Business and the SDG 16: Contributing to peaceful, just and inclusive societies” examines the relationship…
The BBBVAMF, in the presentation of the UN’s “Business and SDG 16: Contributing to peaceful, just and inclusive societies” report launch in Spain The report entitled Business and SDG 16: Contributing to peaceful, just and inclusive societies is published by the United Nations’…
The SDG Fund launches its report in the United Nations, with the participation of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation This Friday, the SDG Fund gathers its Private Sector Advisory Group, of which the BBVA Microfinance Foundation is a part.…
Goal 5: Achieve equality between genders and empower all women and girls According to the United Nations, gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation to achieve…
Sustainable development and peace: a necessary and essential relationship BBVAMF met its fellow institutional members of the SDG Fund’s Private Sector Advisory Group in New York to propose new…