The Queen bears witness to how digital tools improve the lives of millions of vulnerable entrepreneurs Artificial intelligence and facial biometrics to conduct financial transactions and draw up climate vulnerability maps that optimize data to safeguard…
Women’s exclusion from the digital world has withheld USD 1 trillion from low- and middle-income countries’ GDP In the last decade, women’s exclusion from the digital world has deprived low- and middle- income countries of up to…
CSW67 | Connecting Women in Latin America: The Roadmap Ahead With the theme DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”, United Nations, on March 8th, celebrates International Women’s Day. The…
Technology: main topic at the 9th Asomicrofinanzas Conference in Colombia This year, the Colombian Association of Microfinance Institutions (Asomicrofinanzas) held its conference in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) under the title…