The AFI and the SUGEF highlight the support of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the BBVAMF for the financial inclusion of vulnerable entrepreneurs
The intense professional and academic activity of Claudio González-Vega in the microfinance sector all over the world and his work to promote financial inclusion for vulnerable sectors has been recognized by institutions such as the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) and the General Superintendency of Financial Institutions in Costa Rica (SUGEF).
Both institutions formalized this distinction during the “International Forum on the Granting of Microcredits, their Impact and Regulation”, a meeting in Costa Rica attended by 250 international experts, supervised financial brokers and institutions interested in how microcredits operate, the products that can be offered, and the supervision of the risks that can arise.
At the meeting, Claudio González-Vega gave the magisterial talk entitled “International Practices in Microfinance: Experience of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation”, focused on the activity and results of the Foundation and the support it provides for vulnerable entrepreneurs in Latin America, whom it helps rise out of poverty by supporting their small businesses. He also took part in the panel on “Funding Agriculture and other Economic Activities”.

Claudio González-Vega with a commemorative plaque in recognition of his professional career, beside the Superintendent of the SUGEF
The BBVAMF was also represented by Miguel Achury Jiménez, vice president for Planning and Institutional Development at Bancamía, a BBVAMF institution in Colombia, who took part on the panel “Microcredit and the Protection of Consumer Rights”.
Javier Cascante Elizondo, General Superintendent of Financial Institutions in Costa Rica, presented Mr González-Vega with a commemorative plaque. For his part, the Chairman of the BBVAMF Board of Trustees presented him with a copy of the BBVAMF Social Performance Report.