Banco ADOPEM once again receives the ALPHA PLUS (a+) institutional rating that reaffirms its excellent positioning in the microcredit sector. This is the maximum rating that can be obtained by a bank in the Dominican Republic due to the application of good practices in its activity, and recognizes the team of employees specialized in serving low-income entrepreneurs.
Banco ADOPEM heads the list of microfinance institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean with the best international rating for its institutional and social performance, and is the only microfinance bank to reach this level.
It has maintained its ALPHA PLUS (a+) according to MicroRate, the ratings agency that assesses performance and risk in microfinance institutions (MFIs). “The outstanding stability and specialization of its staff is its greatest strength. Since its earliest beginnings as an NGO, it has been seen to play an active role in implementing practical improvements in microfinancing. This has led ADOPEM deservedly to be awarded MicroRate’s highest institutional rating”, notes the international ratings agency.
MicroRate also rates specialized funds or Microfinance Investment Vehicles (MIV). Banco ADOPEM maintains its leadership in the sector.
According to the ratings agency’s report, Banco ADOPEM is particularly notable for the excellent service it provides for low-income women, contributing to the progress and development of their productive activities through loans of small amounts.
The bank also has a high institutional level, a strong focus and excellent social management. Its other strengths include the depth of its transactions, the adaptation of its products, its broad geographic reach and its social-financial balance, all of which are reflected in its excellent social results.
The report notes that “the corporate engagement with the staff is excellent” and praises the clarity of the mission and its internalization with the employees.
Through independent assessment, and by increasing transparency, MicroRate supports the growth of the microfinance industry and promotes the efficient flow of money from capital markets to MFIs.