Days before the Queen’s visit to the Dominican Republic, local media had already been announcing that Her Majesty would be a guest of one of BBVAMF’s female entrepreneurs, Diana. This resulted in a great anticipation among the villagers of Tramojos (Azua Province). The meeting came up thanks to an impromptu invitation that Diana made to the Queen when she came to Madrid last year, during the Foundation’s 10th anniversary celebration. Doña Letizia promised the entrepreneur that should an official visit take place in her country, she would do her best to meet her. Now, a year later, the promise became a reality, triggering a considerable imprint on mass media that has exceeded more than 100 impacts.
With more than 2 million televiewers, Televisión Española reported the news in the 9 PM edition and in the program Audiencia Abierta (with 914 thousand viewers); Antena 3 and Telecinco also included the item in their morning news (the latter, within the first and second editions), with an estimated 157 thousand and 40 thousand viewers respectively.

Broadsheets ABC (415 thousand readers) and Cinco Días (45 thousand readers) notified about the visit, highlighting how the Queen kept her promise by travelling up to Tramojos.
Without a doubt, it was in the online editions where this news was mostly present: Telecinco, Cuatro, ABC, La Vanguardia (publications 1 and 2) Cinco Días, Público, El Diario, El Heraldo, Hoy, EFE Empresas, EFE Latam, Europa Press, Inversión & Finanzas, Diario Responsable, Fundaciones, Microfinanzas CGAP, Innova Spain, Crónicas de la Inmigración, El Diario Montañés, El Día de Zamora, Diario Vasco, Madrid Diario and Madrid Press.
Each of them highlighted Diana’s excitement, who never imagined that she would meet the Queen again, and have the chance to tell her about her work in situ. They also explained how the Dominican entrepreneur’s business started to grow, allowing her to provide for her family and contribute to her community’s development.
Additionally, featured Diana Céspedes as “the woman who convinced the Queen to visit her”, and highlighted the entrepreneur’s statements, where she declares that “this visit is a recognition to the Dominican women” who, she guarantees, work and struggle to be independent.
Numerous Dominican television networks landed the scoop of the Queen’s visit and reported about the awaited meeting with a local resident: Noticias Sin, Canal 11 Noticias, TeleNoticias RD, Canal 11 Informativos in the morning and evening editions, Quevedo HD, RDV, TeleNoticias RD, CDN y Canal 11 TeleNoticias Informativo (Live connection) also included it in their news cast.

On print, the most important newspapers in the country allotted space in their pages to explain how the visit went: Hoy, Hoy (Front page), Metro, El Día, El Caribe, El Caribe (Front page) and Diario Libre.

Similarly, online versions of this news were also much more abundant: Hoy, El Caribe, El Dinero, Diario Libre, Argentarium, El Día on line, Las Verdades, Lo más reciente, Diario Libre Virtual, Diario Digital, Listín Diario, El Día, El Nuevo Diario, Hoy, Siete Días, Dinero, Informador RD, Sabores Dominicanos, El Día, La Revista Diaria, El Día, Listín Diario, El Caribe, Listin Diario, El Dinero, Las Verdades, Informador RD, Diario G, Sin Cortapisa, Noticias Sin, Roberto Cavada, Diario Dominicano, Listín Diario, El Caribe, El Día, Diario Dom, El Caribe, Los Mocanos, Azua Noticias, El Veedor Digital, Bohechio Digital, Cachicha, El Caribe and Noticias Sin shared the pre-arrival information, as well as a summary of the meeting between both women.
Aside from Spanish and Dominican media, the news has also been published in other Latin American countries. Among them are:
In Peru: JC Magazine
In Panama: TVN
In Mexico: Servidor Noticias, Contacto Hoy and Servidor Noticias
In Costa Rica: Rodexo
In Ecuador: Hola
All of these media impacts reflect the importance of this meeting; something that neither the inhabitants of Tramojos, nor Diana herself, would ever forget.