Financial inclusion and its role in women’s economic empowerment were two of the key points discussed at the meeting, held at BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s headquarters. Its CEO, Javier M. Flores, and members of his team met with the representative for the European office of the Latin American Development Bank (CAF) and Ambassador José Antonio García Belaúnde, as well as the Strategic Affairs director of CAF, David Tuesta.
Dentro de la estrecha relación que mantienen ambas instituciones, desde la creación de la Fundación en 2007, han acordado avanzar conjuntamente en estas cuestiones que forman parte de la nueva estrategia de CAF. Además, han destacado el papel clave de la medición de impacto social en todas las actividades que desarrollan y han hablado de la importancia de la sostenibilidad medioambiental.
Since the Foundation was established in 2007, the close relationship between both institutions, has enabled them to move forward together on these issues, which are part of CAF’s new strategy. Furthermore, they highlighted the importance of social impact measurement in all the work they do and spoke about the importance of environmental sustainability.