Over 40 microfinance-entities representatives from Colombia trained in Good Governance

24 noviembre 2011

Madrid, 24 november 2011 .- “A key initiative for microfinance in the country”, this is how some of the more than 40 representatives of this sector in Colombia described the Training Workshop in Good Governance hosted by the BBVA Microfinance Foundation in alliance with Bancóldex on 17 and 18 November in the capital, Bogotá.

Isidro Malaver Patiño, Manager of Cooperativa Multiactiva de Educadores de Casanare-Coomec Ltda.- assured that Bancóldex has been supporting the region’s productive sector, specially through credit lines and now other benefits like the training offered by BBVA Microfinance Foundation, an expert actor in microfinance.

According to General Manager of Coratiendas, José Rafael Fernández Reinero, “this is an opportunity to learn about everything related to corporate governance and later apply it in the company”.

The Workshop studied in depth the principles of Good Governance, the practices, the roles of the different parties, and their responsibilities and functioning. Similarly, other important subjects were raised, such as, among others, choosing, renovating and supervising members of managing bodies.

The Good Governance Training Workshop is an initiative of BBVA Microfinance Foundation, fostered  also by Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, BID, and  Fondo Multilateral de Inversiones, Fomin. Its method and content is based on the “Universal Code of Good Governance for Microfinance Entities” and the “Practical Guide for the Adoption of Good Governance Principles in Microfinance Entities”, two reference documents that BBVA Microfinance Foundation has produced and put at the disposal of the whole microfinance sector.

BBVA Microfinance Foundation has already hosted the Good Governance Training Workshop in Colombia (3 editions) and Costa Rica, and trained 134 members in good governance.