10th edition of the Awards for Best Practices in Internal Communications

Event Details

    May 7, 2019
    14:00 - 17:00

Paseo de la Castellana, 259, B, 28046 Madrid
Google Maps

The BBVA Microfinance Foundation has won the award for the Best Internal Communications Strategy for Change Management & Transformation in the 10th edition of the Awards for Best Practices in Internal Communications, organized by the Observatorio de la Comunicación Interna (Internal Communications Observatory), whose members are Atrevia, the journal Capital Humano and the IE Business School.

The Foundation has received this award for its backing of gamification with innovative programs such as “Héroes” and “Simón”, which are enabling the 8,000 members of staff with the BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) experience the Foundation’s mission and corporate culture in the first person.  These internal communication tools replace traditional documents, tests and on-site courses, cutting down behavioral take-up times and transforming habits.

The jury was particularly impressed by the innovation and strategic reach of the winning program.

Fabián Goldberg, head of training at BBVA Microfinance Foundation, and Karessa Ramos, Recognitions & Community Manager in BBVAMF’s Communications department, attended the award ceremony.